
Applying for a Place at Haslingfield

Allocating Places

Haslingfield Endowed Primary School serves the villages of Haslingfield and Harlton. Cambridgeshire Local Authority co-ordinates the admissions for the school.

Children begin school in the academic year in which they are five. The admissions criteria for county and controlled primary schools operate in the following priority order:

  • Children who are looked after, have a Education, Health and Care Plan need or for whom this is the only school that can meet their long-term medical needs.
  • Children in Care, also known as Looked After Children (LAC), and children who were looked after but ceased to be so by reason of adoption, a resident order or special guardianship order.
  • Children resident in the catchment area with a sibling at the school at the time of admission.
  • Children resident in the catchment area.
  • Children living outside the catchment area with a sibling at the school at time of admission.
  • Children living outside the catchment area who have been unable to gain a place at their catchment area school because of oversubscription.
  • Children from outside the school's catchment area living nearest to the school by the shortest available safe walking route.

How to Apply

The application process for admissions is co-ordinated by Cambridgeshire Local Authority (LA). Parents should apply online at or submit a Cambridgeshire Application Form available from the school or from the LA Admissions Team, no later than the National Closing Date, 15th January, or next working day where this is a weekend, or bank holiday. Offer letters will be issued by the LA on the National Offer Date, 16th April, or next working day where this is a weekend, or bank holiday. Late applications (those submitted between the LA application deadline and the end of the co-ordination period) will be handled by the Admissions Team.

LA Admissions Team Contact: 0345 045 1370 or

School Office Contact: Mrs B Davies 01223 870457 or

The school welcomes visits from the parents of prospective pupils with their children. They should contact the school office ( ) to arrange a convenient time. Visits are not interviews and do not affect any decision regarding the availability of a place.

All parents are advised to read the LA booklet for parents on primary admissions.

Admission of Children Below Compulsory School Age

By law children must attend school by the beginning of the term after their 5th birthday. However children may start school from the start of the academic year following their 4th birthday. Parents can request that the date their child is admitted to the school is deferred until later in the school year or until the child reaches compulsory school age in that school year.

In Year Applications

Pupils may be admitted to the school at any time during the year provided there are appropriate places available. To apply for a place after the start of the school year, or for any other year group, please contact the LA Admissions Team for an application form by telephone on 0345 045 1370, or by email to .

Admission Arrangements for Disabled Pupils

Our school aims to be an inclusive school. We hope to make all our children welcome and feel happy to look forward to their school day. Every child is different and we view differences as an opportunity for adults and children alike to learn more about ourselves.

If your child has a disability he or she will be treated equally to other applicants for admission. Prior to admission there will normally be a discussion between the parents, the Head Teacher and advisers to determine what needs there may be. Haslingfield School recognises its duties under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, and the governors’ intention is that the needs of all pupils are identified and met as soon as possible. We have completed measures to increase access to the school by pupils with disabilities; our school is all on one ground-floor level which includes ramp access and a chair lift. There are toilet facilities for disabled children.

In our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) information report, which is a statutory requirement, we have details of how all children are integrated into our school, whatever their needs.



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