

Skills & Knowledge Progression Documents




Vocabulary Progression Documents

Early Years and KS1

Years 3 and 4

Years 5 and 6

Calculation Policy

Number Formation



Mathematics is important in everyday life, therefore the purpose of maths at Haslingfield is to develop the ability to problem solve, reason, think logically and work systematically and accurately be it independently or with fellow pupils. Arithmetic and basic maths skills which build the foundation for solid understanding of more abstract skills will be practised daily to build fluency and develop mental maths capabilities. By practising these skills daily the children will be able to make links between mathematical topics. Our children, are exposed to Mathematical concepts through concrete, pictorial and abstract methods with a focus on being able to ‘build it, draw it, write it and say it’.



At Haslingfield, we teach the national curriculum by following the White Rose Curriculum plan. This enables us to teach place value, the four operations as well as fractions. We use a range of resources to meet these objectives including White Rose Premium resources, Classroom secrets, Active Maths and I See Reasoning. To aid those children who may need further support and interventions within maths, we use a range of interventions and programmes that enable children to close the gaps. All lessons are taught through whole class mixed ability groupings and smaller more targeted group work.

Our Maths lessons begin with a recap and review of previous learning to ensure that topics taught before are brought to the forefront of the children’s memory. Recaps are of those topics that have been taught within the same or previous weeks. Reviews are of those topics that have taken place 4 weeks before. In all lessons that take place in KS1 to KS2 the children have access to 3 routes of learning each one increasing in depth of challenge. Each lesson encourages children to represent the problems in a concrete way using resources such as numicon, dienes and multilink. To further embed this concrete knowledge teachers guide pupils into representing their mathematical findings in a pictorial way for example they may represent dienes as sticks and dots as well as drawing number lines to solve problems. Final methods include those which are written such as column method and writing number sentences that use the four operations.

At Haslingfield, we try to ensure that we have cross-curricular learning takes place where possible. Teachers are fully equipped to track learning through using a series of assessments and tracking tools such as Target Tracker which is updated on a half termly basis or as Maths topics are taught. To consolidate learning at home, children in KS1 and KS2 receive fortnightly homework that is linked to in-class work. This may be given in a written format or an online format. 



As a result of our teaching here at Haslingfield, you will find engaged children who are keen to learn whom are ready to choose a route of learning that will most challenge them. Our pupils, are able to talk about their learning in Maths, the links between topics and explain how they have used these skills in other areas of their learning. Our teachers, teach lessons that are full of variety using the classroom and outdoor spaces available to them whilst allowing the children to use a range of resources to meet the objectives of the lesson. Whilst teaching these lessons, teachers continually monitor and track the progress of individual students to ensure that yearly objectives are met and gaps are closed. 

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