My Child At School MCAS






Haslingfield Primary is launching a new parent app. This app gives you access to a range of information about your child and the school as well as being our primary means of communicating with the Parent Community (replacing ParentMail).

You will be able to 
•  The ability to update your contact details or your child’s contact details
•  The ability to give consent to things like your child’s photo being used on the website/social media
•  News and announcements from the school
•  The school calendar
•  The ability to pay online for school meals, trips and other items

We’ll be adding other features in time, including information about your child’s attendance and the ability to book appointments for parents evenings.

You can download the app via the App Store or Google Play, or you can access it via an internet browser.

You will receive an email from MyChildAtSchool asking you to click on a link to redeem your Invitation Code.  To log on to the app you'll need:

The school ID: 13043
Your username
Your invitation code

Tips for getting started

Parents are reporting that the easiest way to set up your MCAS account is on a PC rather than on the mobile app.  Once set up, the App should work fine.

If you have multiple children in school you will be able to toggle in between children by clicking on the name of one child, which will present a menu.

If you have any problems or questions, please contact the school office on 01223 870457 or email

An MCAS Parent App User Guide is available here.


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