Haslingfield Endowed Primary School

Useful Links


Comberton Village College

Network 11

Cambridgeshire County Council Education site

Department for Education


National and Regional Sports Associations

Contact the relevant association to find a local club

Angling - Angling Development Board www.anglingtrust.net

Athletics - England Athletics http://clubfinder.englandathletics.org

Basketball - England Basketball www.basketballengland.co.uk

Cricket - Cambridgeshire Cricket Board www.cambscricket.org.uk

Football / Futsal - Cambridgeshire FA www.cambridgeshirefa.com

Golf - Cambridgesire County Golf Partnership www.cambridgeshiregolf.co.uk

Gymnastics - British Gymnastics www.british-gymnastics.org/findaclub

Hockey - England Hockey http://inthed.englandhockey.co.uk

Indoor Rowing - British Rowing www.britishrowing.org/clubs/club-finder

Table Tennis - England Table Tennis Association www.etta.co.uk

Netball - England Netball www.englandnetball.co.uk

Rugby Union - Rugby Football Union http://www.englandrugby.com/my-rugby/find-rugby

Rounders - Rounders England www.roundersengland.co.uk

Tennis - Lawn Tennis Association www.allplaytennis.com

For disability sports clubs in the county visit the sports websites above or http://www.efds.co.uk/


Familiy activities and days out

Wimpole Hall Home Farm

Duxford Imperial War Museum

The RSPB Fowlmere

Shepreth Wildlife Park

The Milton Maize Maze

These are just some of the attractions local to the school and surrounding area.


Local Links

Haslingfield Village Website - http://haslingfieldvillage.co.uk/

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