

At Haslingfield Endowed Primary School, we value reading as a key life skill. By the time children leave our school, they should be confident reading a wide range of reading material and have a true love for reading where they regularly enjoy reading for pleasure. We ensure that the books that we encourage our children to read as part of our reading curriculum and in our library and book corners are a representative of the diversity of our wider school community and that of our families.


EYFS/Year 1

Please see early reading and Phonics section

Year 2

In Year 2, once the children have completed the Little Wandle revised letters and sounds programme, they will have three small group guided reading sessions a week following the same format followed in EYFS and year 1. The first guided session will be focussed on background knowledge and new vocabulary and concepts, the second session will focus on echo reading and fluency and the final session will look at comprehension.


We teach reading comprehension through whole class daily reading lessons from Year 3-6.

Reading lessons include:

  • An opportunity to hear reading being modelled by an adult.
  • Activating previous knowledge- making links with their own life, other texts and the world around them.
  • An element of prosody (reading with feeling and expression)
  • A close look at key vocabulary that children may be unfamiliar with.
  • Unpicking the key skill focus for that lesson (retrieval, inference, prediction, summarising, vocabulary, making links)
  • Modelled answering of questions
  • Opportunities to apply the day's reading skills independently.

These sessions take place for 20 minutes daily.

In addition to our reading lessons in EYFS- Yr6, we also provide children with:

  • Opportunities to read for pleasure every day.
  • Phonics in small groups or interventions where needed across the school.
  • Reading and comprehension interventions where needed.
  • Story time, where the teacher reads to the whole class, at least three times a week.
  • Regular, open ended discussions about stories and books.
  • Opportunities to read and discuss a wide read of genres including poetry and non-fiction (including weekly newspapers to ensure children are aware of local, national and global issues).
  • Well stocked reading areas in each classroom full of age appropriate books that the children can enjoy.

We also have a number of reading enrichment activities, including:

  • Opportunities to recommend books to other children in different year groups on display in the school library.
  • Celebrations for World Book Week including whole school book focus, writing a whole school book, competitions and lots of amazing costumes!
  • Visiting authors and book fairs.

In addition to this, 1:1 reading is put in place for children that need extra practise. Books that the children take home are carefully chosen to match the children’s interests and their level of fluency.  


Reading at home

All children will have the opportunity and will be encouraged to continue their reading journey at home. The children will bring a reading book home each week to share with you.

The children start on a banded book system, once they have completed this, they move on to become a free reader.

There are a wide range of texts for the children to choose from. Teachers monitor this, ensuing that the texts are challenging and motivating for the children.

All children are encouraged to read at home daily for 10/15 minutes. This can be a mixture of the children reading to an adult or other family member and reading independently. All reading at home needs to be recorded in the reading record. Reading records are checked and monitored by the class teachers weekly.


Reading for pleasure at Haslingfield Endowed Primary School

Every child at Haslingfield will have...

A range of reading opportunities including:

  • Visits to the school library at least weekly and will have the opportunity to bring a book home to share.
  • Participation in World Book Week dress up and enrichment events based on the national theme.
  • Buddy reading time- children working with buddies to share favourite books together.


Reading environments and choice:

  • An engaging, clearly labelled, tidy book corner with a range of classic and new, high-quality fiction and non-fiction texts.
  • Book boxes available in the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds so that children can access books throughout their playtime.
  • Time every week to choose a book and read for pleasure.
  • Dedicated time each day where an adult will read to them.
  • Opportunities to regularly read to their peers and adults in the classroom. 
  • Daily opportunities to engage in quality book talk.


Teacher Commitment:

  • Teachers who have regular training sessions and are kept up to date with pedagogical developments.
  • Enthusiastic teachers with good knowledge of children’s books and enjoy participating in book talk.
  • Teachers who are motivated and participate wholeheartedly in reading enrichment activities such as World Book Week.
  • Teachers who model the love of reading.



Recommended books for children by year group:

Best Books for Reception | Ages 4-5 | The Reader Teacher

Best Books for Year 1 | Ages 5-6 | The Reader Teacher

Best Books for Year 2 | Ages 6-7 | The Reader Teacher

Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | The Reader Teacher

Best Books for Year 4 | Ages 8-9 | The Reader Teacher

Best Books for Year 5 | Ages 9-10 | The Reader Teacher

Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 | The Reader Teacher




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