The Governing Body of any school play an important part in the leadership and management of the school. The three key roles of a governing body are to: 1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction At Haslingfield Endowed Primary School our Governing Body is made up of 7 governors. Governors usually serve a four year term of office. At any time, our Governing Body will be made up of
In order to fulfil our role and responsibilities, our Governing Body meet at least once each term, and usually 5 or 6 times each year. In these meetings we develop and review policies and procedures to meet our statutory responsibilities, as well as contributing to and reviewing the School Development Plan, which is a crucial tool for setting priorities and monitoring impact. Minutes for these meetings are published on the school website. In addition, sub-committees meet at least termly to focus on specific issues. There are two sub-committees:
Each of the committees is composed of a small group of governors and meets once or twice each term. These meetings give governors the opportunity to discuss matters in detail, ask questions of staff and make considered recommendations which are put forward to the Full Governing Body for approval. Minutes for these sub-committee meetings are available in the school office on request. Individual governors also have specific areas of responsibility such as academic subjects, SEN, safeguarding, early years provision, and will make arranged visits to school to monitor these areas as outlined in the School Development Plan Other committees and working groups may be formed as and when necessary. If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please contact the school office who will put you in touch with the relevant person. Please remember however that the governors' role is about the strategic development of the school and holding the school to account for its performance. The responsibility for the day to day running of the school is with the school staff. If you have a concern, the first person to talk to should be your child's class teacher and then, the Headteacher. For information about school governors in Cambridgeshire, visit the Cambridgeshire County Council website . If you are interested in becoming a school governor, the Department for Education website has more information. We do hope you will consider joining us. |