
 Absence Request Form

Pupil absence during term time can seriously disrupt a pupil’s continuity of learning and potentially the learning of others.

There are two types of absence from school: authorised and unauthorised.

Authorised Absences: are those where the pupil has received authorisation from a teacher or authorised representative of the school or where satisfactory explanations have been received from a parent/carer (e.g. pupil illness.)

Unauthorised Absences: are those where a pupil is absent from school without the permission of a teacher or representative of the school.

Planned Absence Notification

With regards to planned absence, the legal position is clear: parents do not have the right to take their child(ren) out of school for holidays during term time. By law parents must seek permission for their child to miss school; if the school is unable to give permission, it is required to report absence to a County Education Welfare Officer who may become involved, subsequently a parent risks receiving a £60 penalty notice per parent per child and/or prosecution.

A Headteacher may only grant a leave of absence during term time if there are exceptional circumstances full details of which will be required.  If you do seek to withdraw your child(ren) from school during term time please read our guidance note for parents below, then you must apply using the application form, also below. All sections of this form must be completed, signed and handed to our School Office not less than two weeks before the absence period requested. Incomplete forms cannot be considered. 

The School will consider each request for planned absence on an individual basis taking into account the following factors only after the test of “exceptional circumstances” has been satisfied: the time of year of the proposed trip, if the dates are close to any test dates, the pupil's overall level of attendance and in particular whether a previous request has been taken during the year school year.

The planned absence forms are also available from the School Office.

Illness and Medical Appointments

Every effort should be made to arrange medical appointments outside School hours. If it is necessary for a child to be out of School for this reason, the child should be returned to School directly after the appointment.

The School Office should be informed by 9am on the first day of a child’s absence through illness and then each morning, if appropriate, for the duration of the absence.

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